BD57 | Boshang waxay isqabtaan isku-darka-mid lagu tuuro oo lagu tuuro shaashadda Smart ee Smart
● Ku habboon Delta8 / D8 / 10/10 / CBD FARSAMADA / THC / HHC / HHC / THC / THC / THCP / THCS / Rosin
BD40 | Boshang dhammaan-qof lagu tuuri karo oo leh badhanka 'preheating'
The BD40 is a sleek and compact electronic vaporizer featuring a button activation, a visible oil window, and a fourth-generation atomizer core, ensuring exceptional atomization of various oils.Customizable colors and oil inlet sizes cater to different brand logos, distinguishing it among numerous alaabada.
● Waxay ku dhalatay Delta8 / THC. Waxay leedahay laba kanaalo hawada ah. If your oil is very thick, it will help you avoid clogging, and BD29 is equipped with a ceramic heating coil with the best porosity: KuCoil, it can make your oil Very good taste.
● Ku habboon Delta8 / D8 / 10/10 / CBD / THC Fracks / THC / HHC / ThC / Thcp / Thcp / Thcp / Rosin
● [OEM: caabbinta caabbinta iyo cabirka daloolka saliida waa la dhisan karaa]